Tribe of the Wulflings


Kindred of the Wulflings is a youth organization created by Woden’s Folk Kindred to serve the needs of our heathen children. The kids who participate in the Kindred of the Wulflings moots and events are encouraged to learn naturally- out in nature.

The Mission Statement of the Kindred of the Wulflings

“The purpose of the Kindred of the Wulflings is to help Heathen children grow into honorable Heathen men and women by promoting confidence, camaraderie, leadership, character, physical fitness, woodcraft, practical skills, and spirituality in a context consistent with Heathen values.” 

The Wulflingsbook is a work in progress, but we provide the outline to anyone who is interested in order to promote the concept that we have created, to solicit feedback, and to guide those who are attempting to lead their children down a path towards healthy and responsible adulthood.

