About Our Bind Rune

The Woden’s Folk Kindred bind rune consists of the Eihwhaz rune and the Jera rune overlapped inside of the Ingwaz rune.

Our bind rune has a very deep meaning for us. The Jera rune on top of Eihwhaz stand for the cyclical nature of life, which is imposed upon the rune that symbolized Yggdrasil, the World Tree. As such, this implies the past, present, and the future; it represents to us the connections and the cycles of life amongst the gods, our ancestors, and ourselves.

This runic element is bound inside Ingwaz, the garth of the Good Lord, Frey. This symbolizes the safety of the home, the community, as well as the greater society to be found outside the world. The boundaries of Ingwaz represent the bountiful goodness of the Meadow Lord, as well as the frith to be found within the garth.

Woden’s Folk Kindred retains all the rights to our bind rune, as can be seen in the copyright pages of our books. It’s use without permission is prohibited regardless of coloration or medium. 

© 2024